Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Mazda RX8 Modification

Enough with the brand Venom, this sporty ride was a double shock between SQ and SPL are wrapped with high-tech and sporty feel of it is practically look. Hendi youth who are lucky enough. Because, for a man his age, the chance to have a sporty ride can be realized in a tangible form. Mounts sporty Mazda RX8 is a choice and faithful friend Hendi in living day-to-day activities. But all these advantages was not complete without a touch of quality sound that can accompany the choice Hendi raced with his sporty car.
For implanting volunteered Hendi’s one famous brand stereo output Venom to complete stereo system in the horse. As you know mania OS, brand wearing the purple color characteristic is indeed often become celebrities subscription homeland. With a reputation like that, Hendi Somesound agreed to vote as a workshop that has been trusted to handle the installation of the voice of the brand. So hopefully will be able to deliver sound results in a double shock mounts sporty.

Power Sound System
 Some technical things that have been done Ahau, as engineer installation of this mount.Among them is a direct position of the tweeter to get the proper sound stage. In this case, two tweeters mounted on the panel to the right and left, leading to a mirror positioned center .. ”All our focus toward the center dashboard,” explained Ahau to the OS. It was pointed out can make the sound more focused.
As for the dashboard and the subwoofer box, wrapped it in cloth carbon Ahau berkelir silver stone that matches the color of the skin of this RX8. In addition, he also did not forget to add a little panel on the dashboard. The use of two monoblock amplifiers deliberately juxtaposed with each VX5012W Venom subwoofer. It was pointed out when wanting SQ setting, Hendi just press the button under the steering wheel so that only one of two subwoofer is functioning. But if Hendi was eager to listen to the strains of the SPL, he did not hesitate to press the button so that the two subwoofer works fine for removing low bass depth as desired.

Driver Modification
Another unique thing of this is the installation of motorized mounts on the amplifier in the trunk of the car. According Ahau, motorized pinned in this part of the power holder and the position of the rear deck of this RX 8. So at a glance mounts also have a quality high tech look with a motorized system.

As a final test for this ride, the sound discordant strains belonging Olive managed to lift the car stereo system is the perfect level of sound quality. Stream flowing with good sound tweeter mounting thanks to a very precise so that the flow of high frequency sound disaggregated well. Venom low thump of the subwoofer makes the sound of the instrument VX5012W low frequency sounds made up. This was evident when the digital disc of Black Eyed Peas added to the main source that generates a steady feel of SPL.So, enjoy the double choices.

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